To inspire others and showcase diverse career paths within the cycling industry we've created a monthly blog series featuring individuals in our community and their goals and aspirations for the future. *Disclaimer: this article includes sensitive content
This month we are featuring Joe Grant from Energise Cycles!
About Joe and Energise Cycles
"Energise Cycles CIC is more than just a bike workshop – we want to use cycling, and the services we offer, as a way to engage with the community we serve, help people develop their skills and use cycling as a tool for empowerment.
We are based in North West England, in Birkenhead, an area where there is a lot of poverty and social issues that go along with it. We use the provision of professional bike servicing and repairs, mobile workshops, bike donation and restoration, training, coaching, bike maintenance workshops, and youth initiatives to help our community grow. Our aim is to create a more accessible, inclusive, and sustainable cycling community."
Joe's Aspiration
I would love to have a go at race mechanic-ing for downhill and xc events. I know it's different from what I do in the workshop, but I would really enjoy the atmosphere and the pressure!
What key experiences and influences shaped your path to where you are today?
"In my late teens and early 20s I found myself on the wrong path. I was involved in drugs and crime and horrible things happened to people around me. A friend, who was in jail, killed himself. I had young kids to look after and I realised that, unless I changed, I would go down the same path as my friend. It was a tough call but I changed the people I spent time with, I went to uni, and over time I changed my life.
Sorting myself out was the first step. As my kids got older I had another realisation that in order to live long enough to see their children and to be a person they could be proud of, I needed to make more changes. I needed to look after my mental and physical health. That’s where working and riding bikes came in. I found something that I enjoy doing, with people I enjoy spending time with, from all walks of life, with different experiences. I do something I enjoy every day and I surround myself with people who share my outlook, who love me and care about me, but also want to shape life positively.
Helping people that have been in similar situations to me, showing them what cycling can do to get you back on track, mentally and physically, has become a life goal."
What would you say is the key to succeeding in what you do?
"Being honest, genuine and approachable is so important to our business. It is why people come to the workshop, and because they always feel welcome.
And tenacity! I have knocked on the same doors every day to get the message to the right people. We go through phases where we are pushing so hard and seem to come up against so many barriers, then we will sit back and just get on with what we need to do and suddenly these people are turning up at our door. I think that must be a process that we have to go through, but it requires a whole lot of humility and tenacity to keep going when it feels tough. When things are tough you have to remind yourself, success will come, and reflect on the barriers you’ve overcome."
What piece of advice would you give to yourself ten years ago?
"When we started this business, a lot of people thought it was a hobby and wouldn’t last. Me and my partner Hollie are both determined and want success. It is hard work, but we have each other to lean on and to push each other. We are so proud of what we have built. We know success isn’t about what you accumulate but what you share.
I think it is important to have a good support network, to have things you enjoy doing that are good for your body and mind. I would tell myself to always give it a go, if you work hard and want to succeed, you will. I would also say, follow your dreams. Don’t take no for an answer."
What's next?
"Where do I start?
The workshop is always growing. We want to increase our capacity with volunteers, and we are in the process of building a bike track with mini roads in a space outside our workshop. It would give people a place to learn to ride and gain confidence and a place for pump track practice and jibbing, which may help to keep some people off the streets and in a supportive community.
With this in mind I am on the lookout for a brand that will sponsor our projects. There might even be an organisation willing to support the kids we work with and help build a better future for them and help build on their talents. Working in a deprived area means that opportunities are in short supply. I want to open doors for people so that everyone has the chance to succeed, nobody gets diverted into the miserable route I went down in my early days.
On a personal level, I would love to try some race mechanic work for some downhill or xc events. It would be awesome to see what that world is like and to build on my own skills. The future looks exciting."
Photos (and cover photo) by Joe Grant, Energise Cycles
Breaking Barriers in the Bike Industry: Join Us on the Journey
The bike industry is challenging to break into. Too often, job opportunities are filled through existing connections, leaving those outside certain circles wondering how to get a foot in the door. At Grow Cycling, we believe that everyone deserves a chance to ride the path to success—so we’re changing the game, one job posting at a time with our Grow Cycling Foundation Jobs Board.
If you have any questions or feedback on what you'd like to see in a future Career Chronicles feel free to email us at